Kinder Biennale

Group Exhibition
Groninger Museum
Museumeiland 1
9711 ME Groningen
The Netherlands
02/06/2021 - 09/01/2022

The Children’s Biennale is an active art exhibition that invites you to respond to the works. You can literally walk through an artwork, help to build one, and interact witha digital presentation. Eleven works of art are on show at this first Dutch edition. Three installations have come from the Children’s Biennale in Singapore; the rest of the works were created by artists from the Netherlands, and the Groningen region in particular. There’s work by the international artists Andreas Schlegel & Hazel Lim-Schlegel, Donna Ong and Eko Nugroho. The Dutch artists are Bert Schoeren, Chantalla Pleiter, Harry Arling, Lambert Kamps, Nou&Herkauw, Sandra de Groot, Studio Maky, Werc Collective and Wies Noest. They were chosen from around the Groningen region specially for this Dutch biennale. The Children’s Biennale was developed in cooperation with National Gallery Singapore, Groningen primary schools and regional partners.