Honolulu Biennale – Middle of Now | Here

Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design, Honolulu, Hawaii
09/03/2017 - 08/05/2017

Nugroho’s work at Shangri La consists of outdoor mural along with three paintings on large pieces of raw, unfinished canvas, collectively titled Above the Wall, Under the Rainbow, and Free Air. It is evident that this work was heavily influenced by current events taking place during Nugroho’s time in residence at Shangri La from January 24 - February 5, 2017. His outdoor mural emphasizes the words “share,” “love,” and “peace” while his canvas paintings speak specifically to the experiences of Muslims in the U.S. and abroad. They invite the audience to reflect on the everyday realities and global issues in a time of divisions and turmoil. 

Photo Courtesy of Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design.

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